1  mom





















2  hi lover


























1  i miss you


























2  i know


























1  I wrote a play with you























2  yes






















1  i lost it
























2  i know



























1  do you know everything






























2  i know you love me

























1  why do i miss you so much
























2   I loved you so much
























1  i could rest with you













  i didn't have to brace myself with you





















   mom,  death is nice, isn't it
























2  yes

























1  mom, you had a beautiful passing 








2  oh boy









1  victorious








2  oh boy  











  (collapses into a quiet sob)



















 it was so hard













1  i know

















  we talked like schoolgirls the night before i told you about skydiving      


  i was so happy to hear your voice















2  i was so happy to hear yours






















1  i love the sound of your voice






























   did you hear what marla said when i picked her up from the airport?






















2   tell me again

















1  she said that she and steve were wondering how to tell tyrus and mia



   they were thinking about saying   grandma tripped and fell out the window






















2  i heard you two giggling





















1  i giggled so hard, mom    



































2  do you think it's nice to make fun of your dear old ma?















1 (giggles in tears)
































 1  marla said "I think of it as a graceful act"









  i said if your friend had done the same thing, you would have...

  and then marla said 






















2  seen the beauty in it